As we speak

June 10, 2013 § 1 Comment


As we speak, James and I are in the air on our way to Hawaii for 10 days…again!!  Last July for our honeymoon we went to Hawaii, and it was amazing.  We hiked, paddleboarded to a secret waterfall, discovered local eateries, ate burgers over and over again (they were so delicious we couldn’t stay away and soon enough the waiter recognized us), and read on the beach, to name a few.    We loved every moment of it.  And now we are going with family…aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents…for a summer vacation!  It will be fun as it is near our 1 year anniversary, and now we get to experience the Islands and make memories with my family.

One thing we are sure to bring this time around is sunscreen!  Last time when we arrived at our resort we immediately ran out for a 15 minute walk on the beach and came back looking like lobsters.  We were in so much pain that we couldn’t help but moan and laugh.  Aloe was our new best friend.  I still don’t understand how we burnt so fast…I guess Hawaii is closer to the sun?  Whatever the case, we learned our lesson quick: Never go outside without sunscreen and apply, apply again.

While I am gone you can follow all my adventures in Hawaii through my instagram.

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§ One Response to As we speak

  • bkwrm513 says:

    I’m so jealous! maybe one day my husband and I will make it out there. He is in the Navy, so maybe we’ll even get stationed out there?! That would be nice for a few years…have a great trip!

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