Deliriously Sleepy

June 20, 2013 § 2 Comments

We are finally back! Next week I’ll tell you all about our trip, and show you pictures.

The trip was so much fun, but after leaving everyone I was reminded of how much I love my family and miss living closer to them. Living across the country is just too far for my liking. At least they all have the traveling bug, and I have been blessed to see them once a month since moving out.

Yesterday when we arrived in our apartment after our red-eye flight from the island of Kauai, James and I accidentally fell asleep on our bear rug by our fireplace…for four hours. Four hours! And when I woke up, I was deliriously walking around saying, “Where’s my family? We are the only ones here! We need to get up; we slept too long! We should have only slept until 4pm, not 5, and now I can’t find anyone.” I guess my brain was still on vacation mode. That, or not getting any restful sleep on the plane does that to you.

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§ 2 Responses to Deliriously Sleepy

  • sundayrain says:

    Oh baby girl…I feel the same way….I deliriously want to be around you too! So glad I have the memories of card time out on your Kauai’ian deck . And the surfing pictures. And the Yum Cha memories. And the….. I’m so glad God made memories! I miss you already! Even BEFORE I left my phone in your car.

  • Brealyn says:

    Was that a ploy to see us again? 🙂 Yes, I was missing everyone the night before we left when I started packing up my suitcase to get ready to leave.

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