Summer To-Do List

June 21, 2013 § 3 Comments

Today is the first day of summer!

I don’t know about you, but it already feels like summer here.  It has been reaching into the high 80’s already. So in celebration of the official start of summer and being inspired by another blogger, I thought I’d make a to-do list of ten fun things that I hope to do this summer!

1. Go on a hike that has a lake/river/waterfall at the end.
2. Remember to have dinner/drinks outside whenever it’s the perfect temperature.
3. Purposefully watch the sunset while sipping some fresh mint lemonade.
4. Visit family as often as possible.
5. Go to the the Hot Air Balloon festival here.
6. Go for a bike ride (hopefully my bike makes it out here in July or this one wont happen).
7. Go swimming in our pool.
8. Grill in the cool summer breeze.
9. Float down the Snake River one more time.
10. Celebrate our one year anniversary (it’s coming up!) and all the successes that we have had along the way.

Maybe this list will inspire you to create your own.  I hope you make many wonderful memories this summer!

**Pictures taken during a family vacation in Maine in the summer of 2011.

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