Missing Button

May 9, 2013 § 2 Comments

I recently found this challenge and have decided to attempt to blog every day, joining in on the fun with hundreds of other bloggers.  Every day for a whole month, including weekends?  Whatttt?  But I’m going to try.  There are topics for every day making it a teeny bit easier, right?  I sure hope so.

I know, obviously I am starting behind.  But hey, why not jump in and start now?  Better late then never, right?

Day 9…or Day 1 for me…of Blog Every Day in May is “A moment in your day”.


{I spy with my little eye a missing button}

Lately a lot of my moments have been from this angle.  Exciting, huh?  If you came to visit me you would most likely find me on the floor with a fuzzy gray and white blanket, lukewarm coffee sitting next to me, a plate with only crumbs enough for a mouse, and my computer on my lap searching the internet.  Searching for jobs, replying to emails, looking for inspiration.  You might ask, “Why are you sitting on the floor and not sinking into the couch?”  Great question…I’m asking myself the same question while lovingly looking at my leather beauty.  It is by far the most comfortable couch I have ever lounged upon, and yet I’m choosing the floor.  I am just plain weird.  Maybe I’ll switch it up tomorrow and work on the couch instead of longingly looking at it.

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§ 2 Responses to Missing Button

  • Ms George says:

    I lye on the floor in my office. People think I’m a weirdo but upright can just get so monotonous! Super annoying about that missing stud!

  • Chaucee says:

    Oh my gosh I can’t believe you aren’t using that couch after how hard I fought for it!!!!!! That couch DESERVES some booty love.

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