pops of pink

August 11, 2015 § 2 Comments

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My sister-in-law is expecting her first child, a little girl, in a couple of months.  So to celebrate, we had a beautiful baby shower for her and her little one.  We decorated the room with white and gold and then used pops of pink.  It was fun showering her with love in anticipation of her sweet little girl!  Before we know it, she will be here and little E will have a new playmate.  He’s been telling me that he can’t wait.

some family photos!

March 27, 2015 § 1 Comment


I am going to bombard you with some family/maternity photos in this post, so watch out!  A few months back, we were able to scramble together some time to get photos done during our busiest month.  Samantha Hanny from Samantha Hanny Photography took our photos, and she did a fabulous job documenting and capturing our little family of two, soon to be three! She is based in Idaho Falls, ID, and we will forever be grateful for the beautiful work she did, especially because it was freezing outside and her fingers were frozen since she had to have them exposed to take pictures!  We may look all warm and toasty, but believe me when I say that that blanket was a lifesaver!  And we always had our coats just out of the shot to throw on.

Without further adieu, let the scrolling begin. You have been forewarned!

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Baby Landis’ Nursery

March 24, 2015 § 3 Comments


When we bought our place a few months ago, the first thing I wanted to tackle was the nursery.  I had so many ideas of what I wanted to do and ran with the different inspiration I found for a fun, but gender neutral room.  And thanks to my wonderful husband, sister-in-law, father-in-law, and mother, the room was painted perfectly!  I couldn’t have imagined a better accent wall.  James was in there many hours making sure our little one’s room was going to be spectacular.  I hope you enjoy seeing all that we have done.

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Transforming the space.  I wanted to create a gender neutral room that had whites and grays, but also a pop of color.  I fell in love with the sea-foam blue paint color and knew I wanted to do a herringbone pattern.  I wanted one accent wall where the crib would go, and then we decorated the rest of the room with other blue and green items.

The overall vibe of the room.  I wanted the room to feel bright and airy, so the three other walls are white.  When the sun is setting, we love to sit in the rocking chair and soak in the suns rays; the room is so warm and cozy!  Also, I realized as we decorated that we unintentionally went with somewhat of an animal theme.  We have a lot of unique animals throughout the room.  Lastly, I really wanted to incorporate into the room a map of the world where we would put red hearts in the places where family lives that loves our little boy.  Since taking these pictures I found the red hearts and they are on the map showing where all the love is coming from.

39 week stats

March 23, 2015 § 1 Comment


39 Week Stats – Baby L.

i’m feeling: ready to meet our little guy!  We are both excited for his arrival and keep wondering when the day will arrive.  And on Saturday, my mom and I went for a 5 mile walk to help coax him to come into the world, but it hasn’t worked yet.  Though I’m thinking he might decide to show his cute little face sometime this week…

baby is as big as: a watermelon.  Our baby boy is around 18.9 to 20.9 inches long, and he weighs anywhere between 6.2 to 9.2 lbs.  Tomorrow I’ll find out at my weekly doctor’s appointment how big he might be.  I’m thinking about 7 lbs.

food love: I’m not craving anything at this point, but my mom keeps making me sweets that I can’t stop eating – no bake cookies, rice crispy treats, cheddar popcorn…One would think she is trying to fatten me up like a farmer fattens up a pig for the slaughter! 🙂

food hate: nothing.  I’ve been loving all food lately.

sleep: is going better than I thought.  Once I lay down for the night, it usually takes an hour for our little guy to stop moving around and kicking, so I usually watch a show or two until he falls asleep and then I can fall asleep.  James and I keep telling him that mommy needs to sleep before he comes, but he doesn’t seem to get it…

currently living in: long shirts that don’t let air get up to my stomach.

And last but not least, some practice breathing pictures for your enjoyment!

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38 week stats

March 16, 2015 § 1 Comment


38 Week Stats – Baby L.

i’m feeling: a little nervous about delivery, as we found out at our last appointment that our little guy is still sunny side up.  We are praying that he turns around and faces the other way in time for delivery!  I haven’t been nervous or worried about too much up to this point, but the thought of him not turning around is lingering in the back of my mind every day.  I’m also hot all the time – ALL THE TIME!  And I’m sweating because I get so hot and can’t re-wear a shirt due to that.  Maybe a little TMI?

baby is as big as: a leek.  Our baby boy is around 18.9 to 20.9 inches long, and he weighs anywhere between 6.2 to 9.2 lbs.  I’ll find out at my appointment tomorrow about how much my doctor thinks he weighs this week.

food love: yogurt and cheese.

food hate: NOTHING!  It’s been great! 🙂

sleep: is great when I take benadryl, but bad the nights I don’t take it.

currently living in: anything that looks appealing when I look in my closet, which isn’t too much at this point.  I feel like I am rotating through the same outfits day after day.

IMG_0686P.S.  LOOK at that baby bump!  He sure is getting big!

37 week stats

March 9, 2015 § 3 Comments

Our little boy is officially considered full term!  How exciting is that?!  We are ready for you to come now little guy, but while you are still in there, keep packing on the pounds! We don’t mind chubbiness one bit!

Week37-Chard  This picture was taken 15 minutes after I woke up from a nap, so please excuse my attempt to have my eyes open as wide as possible!

37 Week Stats – Baby L.

i’m feeling: tired every day.  Naps are nice, and I try to take them when I am not working.

baby is as big as: a stalk of chard.  Our baby boy is around 18.9 to 20.9 inches long, and according to my check up with week, he weighs about 6 lbs.  My doctor said I should expect that he will put on 1/2 lb each week from here on out.

food love: At first I craved rice cakes smothered in peanut butter and grape jelly; however, I couldn’t find rice cakes in our pantry, and I was too tired to get any.  Of course we run out when I most want them!  So then I started craving no bake cookies the last few nights, but we didn’t have enough rolled oats for me to make them.  I have been striking out this week!  But have no fear, I bought rolled oats yesterday so no bake cookies will soon be on their way.

food hate: nothing is coming to my mind at this moment, but my memory has been pretty poor lately…

sleep: is okay.  This week I had a lot of vivid dreams and nightmares.  Couple that with having to go to the bathroom a lot, and that means I was waking up often throughout the nights.

currently living in: maternity shirts – though I can still wear many of my normal tops besides the fact that I have to make sure they don’t ride up – leggins and my one pair of jeans that still miraculously fit me.  Those jeans I’m wearing in the picture are my normal American Eagle jeans that I wore all the time pre-pregnancy.  Granted, they have a lot of stretch to them, but I’ll take it!

the big 25

March 4, 2015 § 2 Comments


A few weeks ago James turned the big two five.  Since he has been my rock and has been so caring and loving, especially during this pregnancy, I wanted to do something special for him to say I love you back.  His love language is gifts, so I created a day of gifts for him of little things that reminded me of him.  I showed up at his work at 9am with his first gift, a Starbucks Vanilla Latte and blueberry muffin, and a large birthday bag of gifts in my other hand.  He was a little embarrassed at first, I mean I guess your wife showing up with a huge bag of gifts on your birthday can be a little embarrassing!  But he ended up loving opening a gift every hour.

Bag of presents

And then the weekend following his birthday I had a game-themed party for him since he loves to play games.  I don’t think he has ever turned down playing a board game with anyone, he loves them that much!


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I even created snacks to go along with the theme – dominoes brownies, checkers rice crispy treats, and angry birds cupcakes.  It was fun being creative and making snacks for everyone to enjoy.

IMG_0452 IMG_0461 IMG_0459IMG_0454 IMG_0453 Bday

I love you honey and am looking forward to this next year together!  I can’t wait for you to teach our son how to have a tender heart for the Lord, seeking God’s wisdom over man’s.  Our little boy is going to be one lucky kid to have a dad like you.  And I am one blessed woman to be your partner and soul mate.  I love you!

36 week stats

March 2, 2015 § 1 Comment

We’ve officially made it to the 9 month mark and our baby boy’s birthday month {hopefully!}.  It’s fun to see how James gets more and more excited each day to meet our little guy.  We are now 28 days away from the due date, though I am hoping he comes a little early because I am just so excited to meet him!


36 Week Stats – Baby L.

i’m feeling: turtlish – in that I move like a  s l o w  turtle.  James confirmed that I am moving slower.  In the grocery store the other day he exclaimed, “You are moving so slow.  Come on!”  To which I replied, “I’m moving as fast as I can!”  Usually I’m the fast walker and James has to keep up with me, so the times have changed!

baby is as big as: a honeydew.  Our baby boy is still in the same range of 17.2 to 18.7 inches long and weighs about 4.2 to 5.8 pounds.  He is getting closer to breathing on his own, and his kidneys and liver are now working.  His circulation and immune system are also ready to go!  His skin is also getting smooth and soft now, and his gums are getting rigid in preparation for those baby teeth.

food love: chocolate icing or a Wendy’s kid size chocolate frosty!  Soooo good.

food hate: pretty much anything healthy.  I have to keep in mind that I need to eat healthy, because right now I am drawn to all the bad stuff.

sleep: wasn’t bad this week.  It is getting more uncomfortable, so I now sleep with 4 pillows.

currently living in: anything that is comfy.  For the first time during my pregnancy, this week I looked in my closet and exclaimed, “There is nothing to wear!”  I think I’m getting tired of wearing the same things over and over again.  I am ready to wear my full wardrobe again and not have to worry about the bottom of my belly showing!  I am also tired of wearing boots, which is a huge surprise because I LOVE boots. But putting them on and off is a little bit of an effort.  I wish I lived in a climate where I could wear flats!

35 week stats

February 24, 2015 § Leave a comment


35 Week Stats – Baby L.

i’m feeling: amazed that he could be here in just a few short weeks!

baby is as big as: a coconut.  Our baby boy is still in the same range of 17.2 to 18.7 inches long and weighs about 4.2 to 5.8 pounds.  At my doctor’s appointment, my doctor felt him through my stomach and said she thinks he is around 5.5 pounds, so he is getting big!  His hearing is now fully developed, and supposedly babies at this point respond best to high pitch noises.  So James has jokingly talked to him in a high voice, putting his head right next to my stomach.

food love: SUGAR!

food hate: spicy food.  Every time I eat it, my heartburn visits me with a vengeance.

sleep: is going pretty well this week…well except for that one night where I had to visit the bathroom 5 times.  FIVE times!

currently living in: sweatpants, comfy shirts, and moccasins when home.  I am loving yoga pants and my soft fuzzy moccasins.

running on ice with sticks

February 22, 2015 § Leave a comment


This winter James was on a rec broom-ball team.  I wish I could have been out there on the ice with him, but it was fun to watch him play.  All biases aside, he is a great player!  He is fast, knows where to be, and has great aim!  It was fun to see him slip around, block shots, steal the ball away from the other team, and of course score goals…though James and I have this running joke that I always happen to look away or get distracted whenever he scores.  I don’t know what it is, but 75% of the time I miss his goals!  Though one of the last games I saw 2 out of 3 of his goals – pretty good I must say!

IMG_0009 IMG_0285 IMG_0243That’s my man!  Still smiling after a long, tiring game on the ice.

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